What is the Manchester
Fuel Cell Innovation Centre

What is a fuel cell?

Why Hydrogen?

Our Research

Replacing precious metals with nanomaterials leads to cheaper fuel cells.

Investigating using technologies
like 3D printing to produce components.

Developing corrosion-proof coatings on bipolar plates for high and low-power fuel cells to optimise performance.

Developing devices using hybrid technologies to respond to the global demand for renewable energy.

Work with us

We are working with SMEs, providing
them with access to facilities and expertise.

We are developing a hydrogen and
fuel cell strategy for the region.

We are supporting Greater Manchester’s
target of becoming carbon neutral by 2038.

We deliver outreach activities and are the
lead partner in the Europe-wide education programme, HySchools.

We support the development of infrastructure needed for growth in hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Working with partners in China, India, Japan and the US and actively building more global partnerships.

“There’s so much going on in the Centre, it’s a really exciting place to be. I work on anything from durable barrier coatings for aeronautical applications to catalytic thin films for renewable energy generation. All our projects share the common goal to build clean energy solutions for the future.”

Dr Justyna Kulczyk-Malecka

Research Associate

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