Available resources

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Available resources

Available resources include comment on other influencing factors summarised as attitudinal support, financial resources, intervention input, general practical support, team-around-the child knowledge and skills, and on-going training available to support the aid recommendation. 


This describes any attitudinal influence on the child/young person’s AAC journey. Findings suggest that teams make decisions influenced by the attitudinal support of those around the child.


This refers to the financial cost incurred for the provision of a symbol communication aid and the ongoing support costs. Findings indicate that where service models ensure access to communication funding, cost becomes less prominent in decision making and is line with a right’s based philosophy of service provision.


This refers to intervention which includes all implementation supports post-recommendation (who, what, where and how). Findings suggest that the intervention supports available to the child or young person influences the recommendation choice. All communication aids are an investment in the child’s future achievements. Different systems have different intervention implications for both the child or young person and the support team.


This explores the support needed to fulfil the aid recommendation. It includes language scaffolding, customisation and personalisation. Findings suggest that child or young person’s available support influences the communication aid recommendation.

  • The demands of learning AAC are high on families and those around the child. It is critical that families are supported to be active within the decision making process.
  • Identify what supports can be put in place to assist those around the child (both family and immediate team).

Team knowledge and skill

This includes the knowledge and skills of any team member in supporting AAC decision making. It includes confidence with AAC, prior knowledge and experience, familiarity and training and continuing professional development needs. Findings suggest that team knowledge and skills, including the family, influences communication aid recommendations.


This refers to the development of communication partner knowledge and skill. Findings suggest that the opportunity to provide and receive child specific AAC training varies.

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